Tian Dayton Quotes: Feeling Angry All The Time

Feeling Angry Is Normal, Acting Out Hurts Everyone Feeling angry all the time is often a characteristic of someone who has experienced trauma or been hurt. It’s also part of addiction. How do anger and addiction go together? We get this question all the time. They are related, and when you add stress and anxiety […]

Sober Quote: Blooming Flowers

fix the environment quote

Blooming Flowers Are Like People In Recovery Do you have friends who are like blooming flowers? They make you laugh and feel good. We all know people who just have that special glow. They have a good attitude and make you feel safe and accepted when you’re with them, and that everything will be all […]

Self Esteem Quote: Your Mental Illness Is Lying

your mental illness is lying to you

How Is Your Mental Illness Lying To You Your mental illness is lying to you, here’s how. Mental Illness, like depression and anxiety, as well as addiction have a terrible way of distorting your thinking. Your thinking is what keeps you sane and happy, shoves you down in the dumps in the worst way. When […]

Quote: Things I Can Control

Things I can control

Things I Can Control: What Should I be Worrying about? Things I can control are the ones I should be thinking about. And look how many things there are that you can control. It’s common sense but really hard to do without some practice. What preoccupies you? Are you someone who worries constantly about things […]

Sober Quote: Grown Up Drink

grown up drink

Water Is The Grown Up Drink That’s Perfect For Everyone Water is a grown up drink. Who knew? Did you know why water is the very best drink for any occasion? What are the compelling reasons to drink water. Lindsey shows you her tip of the day from her book, 100 Tips For Growing Up. We […]

Sober Quote: If You Knew Me Then

if you knew me then

If You Knew Me Then Sober Quote Proves Change is Possible We love the “if you knew me then” sober quote because the debate over whether change is possible is proven. Right here. When people are in active substance or alcohol addiction, even dependence, over a long period of time, it seems as if any […]