Things I Can Control: What Should I be Worrying about?
Things I can control are the ones I should be thinking about. And look how many things there are that you can control. It’s common sense but really hard to do without some practice. What preoccupies you? Are you someone who worries constantly about things you can’t do anything about? Like politics and war and what other people think about you. And hey, what about loved ones’ unhealthy behaviors? Are you triggered and enraged and hurt when things go wrong?
Things I Can Control: Recovery Helps You Let Go
Things I can control are thoughts in my head. The first thing we need to determine is, do you have that negative voice chattering away in your head? Self talk is that inner voice that often chatters to us about all types of things. Unfortunately, it is often negative. Negative self talk impairs our ability to cope with life’s ups and downs. Buddhists refer to this inner chatting as “monkey mind” because monkeys are always chattering about something. And while most human self talk is quiet on the outside, we may even find ourselves talking out loud. Take a minute and think about your inner and outer self talk; is it positive, negative, or both?
100 Tips For Growing Up