Children of Alcoholics Have PTSD

children of alcoholics have PTSD

Children Of Alcoholics Have PTSD Just Like Soldiers In War

You may think that only soldiers at war experience Post Traumatic Stress symptoms, but children of alcoholics have PTDS, too. Parents and children of alcoholics and substance users also experience recurring trauma that causes lasting damage. Here’s what you need to know.

It’s a buzz word for military veterans, but millions of us, especially those dealing with substance use disorder have it. The addiction specialist and author, Gabor Mate, believes trauma is the root cause of substance use. Trauma from living with someone else’s substance use also causes lasting emotional problems that need addressing.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be described as a mental health condition that’s triggered by a trauma. Whether experiencing it or seeing it. The symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, depression and confusion. 

Children Of Alcoholics Have PTSD From These Stressors

  • Experiencing recurring anger and violence when a loved one is using
  • Dealing with injuries and overdoses that require medical assistance when a loved one is using
  • Dealing with law enforcement when incidents occur
  • Having to cover up when substance users can’t make it to school or work
  • Dealing with financial problems resulting from a parent or child’s substance use
  • Being overwhelmed by fear about what will happen next
  • Feeling helpless, yet responsible, to fix their loved one

Children Of Alcoholics Have PTSD For The Following Reasons

  • They do not know what a normal, loving, supportive family life is like
  • They do not know what life is like without drama and emotional pain
  • Manipulation of the truth makes them unable to exercise critical thinking to understand and deal with what’s happening
  • They are bound to secrecy about negative or dangerous events happening at home
  • They experience physical violence either against themselves or loved ones, like a mother or sibling
  • On a regular basis, they experience verbal or emotional abuse
  • They are expected to care for substance using parents
  • Their own needs are ignored

Children Of Alcoholics Have PTSD But Don’t Recognize Their Symptoms

Millions of adults do not recognize the source of their anxiety, depression, confusion, as well as attachment and trust issues.  They stem from traumatic experiences they had from living with the substance use of loved ones. More than 26 million adult children and 6 million children under 18 affected are affected by parents’ substance use.

They, as well as the tens of thousands of parents now coping with the substance use of their children, need help. With support and treatment, they can recover. Click here to find a local support group that helps to heal families that have been traumatized by addiction. Learn more at NIH Children Of Alcoholics and NACOA,

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