Individualized Addiction Treatment Brings Hope

Individualized addiction treatment plan

Individualized Addiction Treatment Covers All The Bases

Why do you need individualize addiction treatment plans? Not all people needing treatment are the same.  One of the greatest challenges facing private rehabs, hospitals, and not-for-profits alike is the lack of targeted programs that address the specific factors driving one’s addiction. What caused addiction. Who are you? What are your specific needs?

While just 1,883 physicians nationwide are certified in addiction medicine, with even fewer addiction psychiatrists, you do not need to be a medical doctor to make a difference. Nurses, counselors, and volunteers make up a large proportion of the workforce. For those looking to make a positive impact, access has never been better. With new graduate programs like an online chemical dependency counselor certification, you could quickly specialize and make change happen. 

Here’s Why Individualized Treatment Brings Hope

Individualized Addiction Treatment Means Increased Motivation

Tailored plans are incredibly effective in engendering participation and increasing motivation toward achieving the plan’s goals. Reports on rehabilitation inside the criminal justice system show a small amount of Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) offer services tailored to the specific demands of patients. These same studies show that when the recovery process is adapted to place the patient at the center, taking into account their specific circumstances, they will work harder to achieve sobriety. 

Personalized Learning

Individualized addiction treatment plans provide extensive opportunities for personalized learning. Unfortunately, addiction is frequently presented in general terms, with addicts exposed to common solutions that can be hard to relate to. After all, no two addicts use substances for the exact same reasons. 

Tailored treatment plans recognize these unique factors, taking into account age, social status, and personal goals. By looking at both the similarities and differences, individualized plans empower individuals to confront the root causes of their addiction and create an action plan that resounds with them 

Individualized Addiction Treatment Can Prescribe Alternatives To Medicines 

Contradictory as it may sound, those coming off drugs and alcohol have a higher chance of successfully overcoming their addiction if they are ‘ weened off’ gradually. Given the variety of drugs used in this process, it is crucial that the most suitable be used. 

Studies show the efficacy of Methadone, Buprenorphine, naltrexone, and other drugs in treatment; they appear to be extremely useful for long-term users with extreme physical dependency or other users for a shorter period. A variety of metrics should be taken into account before prescribing. 

Individualized Addiction Treatment Can Cherry Pick ‘12 steps’

The AA and NA systems are both based on a twelve-step process that can be followed, in its entirety by anyone. The system relies on regular group sessions paired with the teachings of Bill Wilson. 

Its overwhelming popularity makes the 12-step program highly popular. However, it is a long process that relies on a high level of motivation, mentorship, and support to succeed. 

Rehabs looking to expedite their patient’s recovery process can apply specific techniques from the 12-step process when and where they believe it would help. 

The Right Kind Of Therapy 

The statistics show a worryingly low proportion of addicts have access to any treatment, let alone therapy, with only 13% of addicts in the US receiving treatment in 2020. 

A 2014 study on psychological interventions in substance abuse shows ‘’Brief opportunistic interventions’’ (BIs) to be of high value and incredibly cost-effective and can even be done over the phone via telehealth appointments. Just one or two sessions with a therapist is often enough for addicts to start understanding the underlying issues and begin to create an individualized plan based on their specific needs. 

Factoring Age And Gender In Individualized Addiction Treatment

A massive factor in treatment options, diagnosis, and government aid distribution. The age at which the first intervention occurs significantly affects their outcome – as you might guess, the earlier substance abuse disorders are addressed – the better.  The current continuum of care for most young adults is fragmented; clinicians often lack specific training to help and often suggest a few sessions of therapy,  recommend a 12-step program, or refer the young adult to a rehab center. None of which is particularly individualized.

Were young adults to receive appropriate treatment – which is available, the instances of dependency and addiction later in life would decrease significantly. 

One Size Does Not Fit All In Addiction Treatment 

While the one-size-fits-all model may be effective in treating en-masse, the fact is that too many slip through the cracks.  Creating individualized addiction treatment plans is crucial in addressing the complexity of substance use disorders. 

These plans offer personalized solutions, increase motivation, and provide targeted interventions, ultimately contributing to more effective and successful outcomes in the battle against addiction.

The biggest question facing addicts and their loved ones seeking help is, where to go? In the realm of rehabilitation, the options vary widely—from AA meetings in the local church to residential facilities with 24/7 supervision and outpatient programs offering more flexibility. Deciding on the most suitable rehabilitation is no mean feet, 

While rehabilitation methods vary, recent studies have shown that regular Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective approach. For those financially constrained, brief interventions using CBT have been shown to improve long-term sobriety rates and focus highly on the individual. 

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