Keeping Our Word is Reach Out Recovery’s third recovery word search by author, Kyczy Hawk. Exercise your brain and see how many words you can find.

Click the download button to print and play. The Answer key is at the bottom of this page.
The following paragraphs are excerpts from Kyczy Hawk’s book, Life in Bite-Sized Morsels:
I am a woman in long-term recovery. I do not take my recovery for granted, but day by day I take greater comfort and security in it. My consistent holding of Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) meetings and working with others in their recovery processes keeps my program fresh. I continually work the steps on any issue that crops up that may hamper my enjoyment of life or of others in my life. I still retain “leftovers” from my growing-up years and from my disease. I’m not free of them, only more skilled at confronting them and making peace with them.
Whether you are in recovery or just an alert participant in your life, your life offers you gigantic helpings of both the enjoyable and the difficult at seemingly random times. A surprise visit from an old friend, a new job, a new career opportunity, and the addition of a family member through marriage or birth are all good things, but they can still rock you off balance. An accident, an illness, aging, and the death of someone dear to you can shift your outlook on life. Changes like these will prompt reevaluation and introspection in your mind. This is natural.