Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence Why they Go Together

Domestic violence

Domestic Violence Has A Strong Correlation With Drug And Alcohol Use Substance abuse and domestic violence are two issues that often intertwine, creating a complex and challenging dynamic within relationships and families. While they are separate problems, there is a strong correlation between the two, with substance abuse acting as a significant risk factor for […]

Know The Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

signs of domestic violence

Sometimes Abuse Becomes So Normal We Don’t Even Know It’s Happening Know this, if you are in an abusive relationship, there is no shame in that and it happens to many people. The main question is, are you safe and are you aware of all the abuse taking place? See, abuse can be confusing. It’s […]

When The Men Are Abused

Men are abused

Men are abused at an alarming rate and often do not seek help. We don’t often think about male domestic violence, but it happens more than you may think. Society tends to focus more on female domestic violence, and that should change since domestic violence can happen in any family from the top of society […]

These Are The Stages Of Abuse

4 stages of abuse

There are stages to abuse so it’s essential to understand how the abuse escalates Most people don’t know that there are four stages of abuse or that abuse escalates and it’s a predictable pattern. I didn’t know there were four stages of abuse, so I couldn’t escape. For so much of my life I lived […]

Family Violence International Resources

Domestic violence hotline resource

These domestic violence hotlines from around the world can save someone you love Family violence is up worldwide with Corona 19 lockdowns and quarantines. Life everywhere has been disrupted. Millions of people have lost their jobs and access to activities and services. Everyone is on edge, frightened, and millions are acting out against spouses and […]

Abuse Quotes: Kinds Of Domestic Violence

abuse quotes many kinds of domestic violence

You may think domestic violence is limited to either physical abuse or bullying, but abuse is all about gaining and keeping power. The cycle of violence can continue to repeat itself and the abuse often worsens over time. Emotional abuse is a form of domestic violence that includes many hurtful tactics Verbal abuse: yelling at you, insulting you […]