Abuse Quotes: Kinds Of Domestic Violence

You may think domestic violence is limited to either physical abuse or bullying, but abuse is all about gaining and keeping power. The cycle of violence can continue to repeat itself and the abuse often worsens over time. Emotional abuse is a form of domestic violence that includes many hurtful tactics Verbal abuse: yelling at you, insulting you […]
A Healthy Relationship Is Mutual

Are you feeling stifled by a loved one or friend. A healthy relationship shouldn’t make anyone feel anxious, stressed, or alone. Those are signs of a toxic relationship. If you find yourself stuck in a relationship where you’re disrespected, ghosted, or feel powerless, leave or seek help so you can. Sometimes, it can be tough […]
Abuse Quotes: Your Deepest Heartache

Family can be your deepest heartache because it’s not supposed to be that way. We just got a note from a reader who said his sister was telling lies about him and wanted to know how to make it stop. It’s called triangulation because you have no recourse to fix the lies. Sound familiar? Well, […]
Boundary Quotes: Boundaries Keep You Healthy

Why do boundaries make healthy relationships Boundaries may sound like walls, but there is a big difference between a wall and a boundary. We’ve heard a lot about walls recently. The purpose of walls is to keep yourself or your group separate from others, which includes everyone else. The problem with walls, however, is the […]
Relationship Quotes: Trust Is Fragile

Trust is a tricky thing – it’s something that is earned, but can disappear in a second. Value that trust and make sure you’re not too quick to hand it out.
Abuse Quotes: Leaving Abusive Relationships

It’s difficult leaving abusive relationships. Those who haven’t experienced this kind of abuse don’t understand the emotional grip these abusers have on their victims. It’s more than making the choice to run – plenty of planning in secret has to go into creating an escape route. Some victims don’t have the option of turning to […]