Recovery Quote: Break Patterns

courage to break patterns quote

Recovery quote of the day Today’s recovery quote of the day is about breaking the old patterns. Do you have patterns or behaviors you keep repeating that are no longer serving you? For example, do you go to work for the same abusive boss time after time? Do you find yourself in unhealthy relationships over […]

Recovery Quote: Happy Life

Don't work all the time quote

Want a happy life? Who doesn’t To build a happy life, you have to have balance. Today’s recovery quote is about balance. Life doesn’t have to be a grind. We have the power to find moments in the day to enjoy something, call someone, close our eyes for a moment, and do anything else we […]

Sober Quote: Black Sheep

black sheep quote

If you’re the black sheep you can find others just like you and get positive connection Today’s black sheep sober quote is about how we often feel like outcasts as addicts and alcoholics. Constantly feeling there is something different or wrong about you is a recipe for isolation. When we go into recovery we find […]

Quote: Don’t Worry About Them

don't worry about people not happy for you quote

Don’t worry about them Don’t worry about them reminds us that people who aren’t happy for you in your sober life don’t matter at all! For one, they are probably not happy in their life. Two, anyone who isn’t happy for you making a healthy decision for your life truly does not want what’s best […]

Self Love Quote: Give Love To Yourself

Give love to yourself Today’s self-love quote of the day is about how sometimes in life we don’t get what we need as children. Maybe our parents weren’t available or had issues themselves. For whatever reason, if you didn’t get the love and nurturing you needed as a child, you can learn to give it […]

Sober Quote: Relapse Thoughts

sober quote

Relapse thoughts are common but you don’t have to Relapse thoughts can keep you in a shame and blame state. Today’s sobriety quote reminds us that slipping can part of the recovery process for many people. It is nothing to feel bad about. The important thing is to not be defined by your relapses, if […]