$1 Download Of Our Bestselling 12-Step Coloring Book

Our 12-Step Coloring Book Downloads Are The Perfect Inspiration For Anyone Working On Their Recovery If you have someone in your life who is in recovery–these are great gifts to help support and inspire them. Nothing like a calming and self-soothing activity for someone who is learning new life skills. These coloring books incorporate recovery […]
Self Care Ideas To Brighten Your Home This Fall

Self care ideas for your home are just the thing to prepare for winter. Heading into fall and the celebration months is the perfect time to make some easy changes to lift your spirits and enhance your home in preparation for the holidays. Guess what, you don’t have to spend money to brighten your home […]
Mental Health And The Corona Virus

Now is the time to take a step back and get perspective on your mental health Mental health and the Corona Virus put us in uncharted territory. Our daily life has been disrupted going on nine months, and we don’t know how much longer these conditions will last. For mental health, this has all felt […]
Self Care Ideas For Children

Self care ideas for children include dos and don’ts for conversations, activities and easing fears during isolation Self care ideas for children in isolation are just as important as self care tips for adults during this time of separation and uncertainty. Cheryl Clunk, Director of Family & Youth Services at Harvest House attended a National […]
Self Care Activities for Pandemic Life

Self care activities need to go beyond the usual mani pedi and massage. Both because many of us still can’t do those things safely, and they are not as time-consuming and soul nurturing as some of us need right now. However, many people feel paralyzed at home, often by themselves. No one really expected isolation […]
How To Strengthen Your Immune System During COVID-19

You can strengthen your immune system with a second line of defense if you’re exposed to the Corona virus Most of the messaging we are getting from the media make us feel powerless against coronavirus. Nobody knows when the Stay at Home orders can be safely lifted or when there will be a vaccine. We don’t […]