5 Activities For Kids (And Adults) During Isolation

5 Activities For Kids (And Adults) During Isolation

When home from work and school for so long, it can be tough to come up with activities for kids. Their energy seems endless – and if you are working from home, it can become difficult to keep a peaceful balance between work and playtime. What can you do to keep your children occupied and your workflow going? Here are 5 activities for kids to do during social distancing and COVID-19 isolation.

1. Build blanket forts

We’re getting old school. So many of us grew up putting together blanket forts out of couch and chair cushions and huge blankets from the living/family room. Because the materials are soft, your *kiddo can build their own fort, express creativity, and then let their imagination go wild. Either they can play castle, camping – anything – or they can settle in and watch their favorite show or movie from the safety of their fort-tent. And if you’re not bound to the computer, it makes great for bonding time.

*This is also a fun activity if you’re looking for different scenery – build your own fort if you’re home alone and work in there!

2. Activities for kids can include coloring

Coloring is a great way to practice self-expression. Whether they use coloring books or simply sit around with blank pages of paper, they’ll be occupied for a while. There aren’t any rules when it comes to coloring – which is why it’s a great activity to do together. Talk to your kiddo about the pictures they’re coloring/drawing and discuss their reasoning for their color choices. You can learn so much about yourself and your family by simply coloring.

Interested in coloring books, but don’t know where to start? Check out the children’s coloring and storybook: My Family Is Hurting – What Can I Do? This book also comes with a pack of Crayons and a “Grownup Guide” with pages to color for you, as well!


3. Bake a favorite snack

Depending on the ingredients you have at home, baking could be a fun activity for kids – of course with parental supervision and aid. Kids love messes and they’re not afraid to get dirty. And let’s not forget their affinity for sweets. Plus, you’re killing two birds with one stone: there may not be a great surplus of snacks at the store, but now you have a fun activity and a new snack to have for later.

A simple recipe to follow may include something along the lines of Irish soda bread. Click here for the recipe.

4. Crafts are great activities for kids

The Coronavirus came just in time for spring – so take the time to talk to your kids about the spring equinox while making some decorations. If you have construction paper, make a colorful paper chain to hang around the house. If not, use markers or Crayons to make your own colors! Or, print out pages of bunnies, flowers, and birds to color and stick around the windows or walls. Clay is always a fun medium to use, too. Have your child create a figure out of clay and let it dry. They’ll be proud of anything they make, so make sure you’re ready to display their creations!

5. Have a puppet show

No puppets? No problem. Old socks and markers will be perfect. Set your child up at a table and let them create their own characters by decorating old, useless socks you may have hanging around. Once the kiddos are finished making their puppets, set them up to put on a show – let them come up with the stories they want their puppets to tel, or put on the show with them.

For a closer look at the children’s coloring book, My Family Is Hurting – What Can I Do?, click here.

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