Relationship Building Tips To Get And Keep The Glow
Great relationships don’t just happen. Relationship building is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced. Being in a healthy, committed, supporting relationship is something that many of us strive for. The dating world can feel tough and it can often make us want to give up. But keeping our minds on what we’re looking for and working toward can really help.
Whether you have found your person or not, it’s also a really great idea to make sure that you know how you’re going to build a strong, solid relationship that lasts. Progression is a huge part of that! So in this blog post, we’re going to explore exactly what you need to do to progress your relationship well.
1. Be Open and Honest with Each Other
One of the best places to start is to make sure that you’re comfortable being as open and honest with each other as possible. Communication is such an important part of a relationship – it’s often the building block upon which things are founded and continue to grow. But it’s hard to communicate well if you’re not comfortable being open and honest. So this needs to be one of the first things that you establish and work on together. As your communication grows, you’ll find that you naturally grow and progress together.
Relationship Building 2. Hug, Kiss, Cuddle: Love Is Physical
Your physical life sparks the glow. Everyone needs physical touch. It doesn’t matter how much or how often you make love, but touching, hugging, holding hands, cuddling, kissing are crucial to a happy and lasting relationship. Can you focus on intimacy? Intimacy in a relationship is important for your bond together.
Intimacy is about the closeness you build together and how comfortable you are with each other. Are you attracted to each other? Without intimacy, you may find that things can feel purely platonic. So for progression, building upon your intimacy is a non-negotiable.
Relationship Building 3. Be on the Same Page
You don’t have to agree about everything, but you do have to agree on the most important things. Now, it’s interesting to have differences – and opposites can attract. But if you want to progress together, you need to make sure that you’re on the same page with a lot of key things. Having similar goals or wants in life can be important, as well as shared values and principles.
This is how you can often build a foundation together. If you aren’t on the same page about everything, that can also be okay – as long as you’re accepting and open-minded about the other person’s view. Same page means what you want out of each other, life, work, spirituality, and children. These are the
Relationship Building 4. Discuss Long-Term Commitments
Are you are openly discussing the long-term commitments you’re making to each other and where things are headed? Sometimes it’s hard to make the transition from having fun to getting serious and planning a life together. One of you might want more while the other wants a status quo. That’s the reason it’s important to discuss what you really want from the relationship and where it’s going.
This discussion involves issues like living together, getting married, and having children. You may even want to discuss where you’ll live and what kind of engagement ring you want. Researching rings together can be a fun project when you’re serious. If you want a diamond, make it known. But you can also look into lab-grown options and moissanites. Find research on what stones are most durable and in your budget, as well as ask questions like does moissanite get cloudy and how to care for your stones over time. That way, you’ll be sure to make the right decisions together.
Relationship Building 5. Prioritize Quality Time
To really build on what you have and continue to progress, you need to make sure that you’re prioritizing quality time. Spending quality time together can strengthen your bond and signify to each other that you’re making each other a priority. It can also increase your happiness overall in life and give you time to work on your intimacy together. In order to build a strong, happy, content relationship (and future marriage), having that quality time together is essential.
What is quality time? Have meals together, watch programs, take walks, have games you like to play. Take weekends off. Quality time is all the things you do together when the phones are off and you’re concentrated on each other and the fun of the moment.
Relationship Building 6. Celebrate Major Milestones
Whether this is something that you naturally tend to do or not, you’ll also find that celebrating major relationship milestones together can also help your relationship to progress. The act in itself is going to allow you to build intimacy and closeness between you. It can also bring a sense of fun and excitement to the relationship – which is important to keep up and build over time. So let yourself have fun and celebrate the different milestones you experience together.
Relationship Building 7. Learn and Grow Together
Couples’ interests evolve over time. Be sure that you have things you can do together that bring learning and mutual growth into your relationship. As humans, we naturally evolve with life changes. Growth occurs when we learn more about each other and take the time to continue to be on the same page, keep laughing, hugging and reminding each other that you love and care about what the other is going through. It is always beautiful to see yourself and your loved one grow better with time and cherishing.
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