Sobriety Quote: It’s Not A One Time Choice

Not a one time choice, sobriety is renewable every day Not a one time choice which would be so easy. One and done is not how sobriety and recovery work. You have to work it every day. Just like mindfulness, eating and being kind, you have to make choices that move your recovery forward. Today’s […]
Sobriety Quote: Choose One Of Two Pains

Choose one of two pains One of two pains is really calling discipline and persistence a challenge. Challenges don’t have to be a pain. Today’s sobriety quote is about how every day in recovery we get the choice to remain disciplined, which is not always easy, or to deal with the pain of regret we […]
Sobriety Quote: Share Your Story

Why is it important to share your story Help lift the stigma of mental health and addiction issues. Today’s sobriety quote tells us that in recovery, it’s important that we share our stories with others. It will make you feel better and less alone and it will inspire others. Now, it’s important to know your […]
Mom Quotes: Who Is Mom To You

Who is mom to you, the person who knew it all and helped you every step of the way? Or the disciplinarian who looked for every little thing you did wrong? Or the mom so full of worry and tasks she didn’t have time or energy to give you everything you needed? Moms are human, […]
Top 10 Family Quotes

Family quotes cover the gamut. We always wonder how many families you know that are supportive, tolerant, compassionate, loving, and listening. Is your family narcissistic or nice? Do you know the characteristics of a happy family? We love family quotes because they help put on our thinking caps and assess our emotional health. If you […]
Recovery Quotes: The Secret Of Change

The secret of change is in your thoughts and actions. When you wake up today and go to bed tonight what are you thinking about? You can breathe to change your brain. That’s one way to change your habits to become the new you, but there are hundreds of ways that you can give yourself […]