Try Forest Bathing To Connect With Nature And Feel Good
Have you heard of forest bathing and earthing? Earthing is basically walking barefoot. Forest bathing is letting trees and nature connect with you. Either way, you can improve your mood and physical health by getting outside and experiencing nature.
This is the perfect time to try it. The seasons are changing now, and we’re approaching spring. We can feel renewal in the air. Where we are in the south the trees are budding and the birds are nesting. This is the perfect time to get out in nature and get all the feel goods nature has to offer. Research as show that being nature is one of the most important things you can do to improve your emotional wellness. There’s just something about being outside and opening your heart to natural beauty that lifts your spirits and puts things into perspective.
Forest Bathing: Find Your Special Place
I had a little garden when I was a child. It was a miracle every year to watch the seasons through the flowers that bloomed in the summer and the leaves that turned colors in the fall. The snow on my tiny Japanese maple tree meant that snowdrops would soon peep out to herald spring, the daffodils, and hyacinths to come. Barefoot in summer, booted in winter, I visited my special place every day to see what was happening there. I didn’t know about stress relievers when I was seven, but I did know that getting outside made me feel better.
Earthing feels similar to those unexpected moments when you find yourself running through the rain and stop, hold your hands up to the sky and allow yourself to feel heaven rain down. Healing. Freeing. Alive. A moment of distraction from the stresses of what is going on around us. Annie Hightower
Forest Bathing: It’s Simple To Connect
First, find your spot. This can be as simple as the tree on the corner where where the dogs go sniffing. Make sure you have left your phone and camera behind. If you don’t have a special place, can walk aimlessly and slowly. You don’t need any devices. Let your body be your guide. Listen to where it wants to take you. Follow your nose. And take your time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get anywhere. You are not going anywhere. You are savoring the sounds, smells and sights of nature and letting the forest in.
Forest Bathing: Do You Need A Tree
Earthing is getting your feet on the ground. Forest bathing does involve a tree if you can find one. When it comes to finding calm and relaxation outside, there is no one-size-fits-all. It’s just important to find a place that suits you. If you love the smell of damp soil, you will be most relaxed where the natural landscape provides it. Check out the nearest park. Then the effects of nature and the forest will be more powerful. Maybe you have a place in the countryside that reminds you of your childhood or of happy times in the past. These places will be special to you and your connection with them will be strong.
The key to unlocking the power of the forest is in the five senses. Let nature enter through your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet. Listen to the birds singing and the breeze rustling in the leaves of the trees. Look at the different greens of the trees and the sunlight filtering through the branches. Smell the fragrance of the forest and breathe in the natural aromatherapy of phytoncides. Taste the freshness of the air as you take deep breaths. Place your hands on the trunk of a tree. Dip your fingers or toes in a stream. Lie on the ground. Drink in the flavor of the forest and release your sense of joy and calm. This is your sixth sense, a state of mind. Now you have connected with nature. You have crossed the bridge to happiness.
Qing Li
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