Introducing The Recovery Wisdom Of Jim Rouches

Lindsey finds recovery wisdom when she interviews the Director Of Program Services at Harvest House

Lindsey asks Jim Rouches what’s happening at Harvest House during the Corona Virus, and what Harvest House does that’s different from other organizations like it. Naturally, creativity is required in a time when so many members of vulnerable recovery communities are losing their jobs and fragile stability. Even in a close knit community like Harvest House, personal connection is not easy with enforced social distancing; and keeping the food pantry stocked is more crucial than ever before. Helping people survive and thrive through economic highs and lows, however, is what Harvest House has been doing since 1992 when it was founded by Pastors Jim and Peggy Minor with just 6 beds for men in recovery from substance abuse.

As a pioneer in the transitional and permanent supportive housing movement, Harvest House is one of the few nonprofit organizations in Sarasota to work towards the development, preservation, and management of affordable, service-enriched housing, serving homeless families, veterans, youth ages 18 to 24, and adults with a history of incarceration and substance abuse. What does program services for this community look like?

Jim’s recovery wisdom encompasses heart, soul, faith, and creativity

Harvest House annually serves a community of 1000 people of all ages with a variety of needs. Jim’s philosophy is to meet people where they are, and not where they’ve been and support them through their growth and healing.

To love on the addicted and afflicted when they can’t love themselves, bringing freedom, restoration, hope, peace, and joy to individuals and their loved ones, breaking the cycles of abuse and bondage. 

Jim Rouches

Recovery Widsom Coping Through Corona Virus

Harvest House is located in Reach Out Recovery’s hometown of Sarasota, Florida. Harvest House has 9 campuses, 400 beds and services for youth, family, addiction, and veterans. When your job is to inspire growth and healing for people of all ages with a wide variety needs, you have to think both big and very small. Jim Rouches has it all: heart, wisdom, faith and a profound understanding of the recovery process at every level.

Looking for recovery wisdom you can learn from, follow, and share? Stay tuned for the videos from Harvest House’s Jim Rouches. Jim is creating a video library of recovery wisdom you can watch, listen to, and share. And Reach Out Recovery will bring these exciting talks to you in the coming months as we explore different recovery subjects.

Check out more videos from the experts and self care ideas to cope with Corona Virus

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