We can’t get through life alone – but so many of us are afraid to take the plunge and find help. Whether it’s because of our independence, pride, anxiety, confidence, or just lack of knowledge of where to get this help, keep in mind that everybody has needed some guidance at one point.
Getting help can mean a lot of different things. Are you looking to begin your recovery journey, but don’t know where to start? There are plenty of resources out there, including our article, How To Get Sober. Maybe you’re well into recovery and need some assistance. Or, perhaps you’re just stuck and need some guidance, but have no idea how to ask for or find help. Here are 5 ways how you can find help.
Ask A Friend For Help
It’s really okay – as long as this friend is safe and trustworthy, there is a pretty good chance that they’ll do anything to help you get through any trying time. But make sure you know this friend is true and has only the best intentions for you. Try by asking them to meet up somewhere and explain your problem. Or tell them exactly what you’re looking for. It always helps to be clear with what you need.
Go To A Trusted Relative
It’s understood that family isn’t always a first choice for many people. But if you have a relative that you know you can count on, ask them to meet up away from the rest of the family, should you need or want privacy. Make sure this is a safe location, where you can fill them in on all of the important details. The more they know, the better they can help you.
Go To Google For Help
The internet can be a great resource for finding help or for finding the resource. If you’re looking for a particular service such as a doctor, therapist, or personal trainer in your area, make sure to search for that service along with your location. You’ll be bound to find someone who fits your needs – and you can trust. Just be sure to vet the website/information first. You can never be too careful with the information you find online.
Ask A Teacher Or Instructor
If you’re still in school or taking a form of classes, you may have a trusted teacher who you view as a mentor. If you’re struggling learning material or conquering a particular lesson, don’t be afraid to go to them for help as well – that’s part of their job. Speak to them after class, once the rest of the students or peers have filed out, so you can either ask for help then, or schedule a time to meet ini their office. They will be delighted to help – and if this instructor can’t help, they will most likely put you in the right direction towards speaking to the perfect person to help.
Speak To A Therapist Or A Doctor
It can be a little nerve-wracking at first. You may me looking for some help for your mental health, but don’t know how to go about finding a therapist or are hoping to be diagnosed. Start with your physician. He or she can provide you with the proper information to get you started on the right path towards more answers.
Maybe you’ve already had that conversation and are just starting your therapy. It’s important to trust your therapist – or whoever is helping you – because they’re there for a reason. And the more they know about whatever is troubling you, the better they can help. There’s no reason to withhold important information, so long as you trust the helper and they can trust you. 100 Tips For Growing Up is a great workbook that’s easy to digest and understand.