Self-Reflection Journal Prompt : Life Lessons

Self reflection journal prompt Life lessons
self reflection journal prompt Life Lessons

Expressing yourself keeps you sane

We can’t avoid our life lessons; they come in all sizes and shapes. Some keep us inspired when we have new challenges, but adverse experiences from as far back as childhood can leave lasting trauma that keeps us stuck in negativity and pain. If we can express our thoughts and feelings we have power over them instead of the other way around.

Our Journal prompt is a resource that costs nothing and is a priceless tool for self-care. Right now the Pandemic has changed everything about our lives. We’re at home more. We have to be creative and find new kinds of entertainment and positive reinforcement. One unexpected benefit is that instead of rushing around, we now have some time for self-reflection. Self-reflection is a kind of self-care when we use it as positive self-talk.

Life lessons inspire and wound, journaling reinforces and heals

Journaling reminds you of the life lessons that have worked for you in the past, but it can also relieve you of the negative coping mechanisms that don’t work for you anymore. One coping mechanism that needs healing is the habit of keeping silent instead of speaking up and telling the truth. Or going along with something dangerous, risky, or damaging to an important relationship. All life lessons need to be unpacked and explored, especially in recovery. And that’s where journaling comes in.

Journal writing is also a proven stress reducer

For stress reduction right now, we all need some proven techniques to stave off depression, bring us back to the selves we used to be, and help develop the selves we want to be when the Pandemic eases. In short, journal entries are self-talk in the best possible sense. You can write about what’s happening, what makes you happy, sad, triggered, calm. You can relieve your frustration by writing letters to people you can’t communicate well within-person (and thankfully never send). For more about writing.

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