If staying clean is hard for your right now, you aren’t alone. Sobriety has been the biggest challenge for millions of people during the deadly pandemic of Covid 19 and the political disruption we are experiencing now. And to top it all off, a mob tried to take over the Capitol and hurt lawmakers just a few days ago. Let us be very clear.
Staying clean when things get dicey is what makes people in recovery heroes
All the events that brought us here make this not just another day. How are you feeling right now, really? Do you think mob rule is a good idea? What if it’s not your side that’s rampaging? Hostility like this is not the answer. I, for one, am mad. How about you? Are you shaken, frightened, anxious about how safe we all are? If you’re an anti-masker, are you happy with the way things are going? Will you ever care about anyone but yourself?
Sobriety right now is hard even for old timers
How many people do you know who have said, “I feel like using or drinking?” My go-to for calming down used to be alcohol. I quit drinking 12 (and a half) years ago, and I never looked back. But now feeling helpless about people dying all around me and advocating for war, I wish I could take something to make me feel better.
Here’s a big surprise staying clean is my greatest anchor
If staying clean means you have to go back to basics and take it one day at a time, that’s fine. Think of the slogans, combat your anxiety with meditation. check out 12 step meetings like Al-anon or AA. When you feel like things are out of control, remember you are not alone, and please reach out and remember how precious your sobriety is. It’s my anchor and I won’t ever let go.
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