Sobriety Quote: Choose One Of Two Pains

choosing pains quote

Choose one of two pains One of two pains is really calling discipline and persistence a challenge. Challenges don’t have to be a pain. Today’s sobriety quote is about how every day in recovery we get the choice to remain disciplined, which is not always easy, or to deal with the pain of regret we […]

Sobriety Quote: Share Your Story

tell your story quote

Why is it important to share your story Help lift the stigma of mental health and addiction issues. Today’s sobriety quote tells us that in recovery, it’s important that we share our stories with others. It will make you feel better and less alone and it will inspire others. Now, it’s important to know your […]

Family Quote: Building A Harmonious Family

Building a harmonious family

Building a harmonious family may be a new idea to people who have grown up with substance-using parents or siblings or grandparents. As Tolstoy once said, “Happy families are all alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” If you come from an unhappy family, you may not even know it. Is everyone in your family […]

Quotes: From Chaos To Creativity

Quotes chaos to creativity

Chaos to creativity was not what we expected with the health crisis Chaos to creativity is actually shifting the balance of who we are and what we want now. We were in overdrive before the virus hit. Every single one of us had too much to do, and we were obsessed with getting everything done […]

Motivational Quotes: Stop And Think

One of the hallmarks of recovery is when you can stop and think things through before reacting. Sometimes you can write a letter to the person who has made you angry, but not send it. Reacting with anger rarely helps make things better. If you start writing your thoughts and feelings in a journal, you […]

Quotes: To Moms Who Inspire Us

Mother's Day Quotes

Moms who inspire us are not perfect in every but they all offer special gifts that we can appreciate Moms who inspire us may not have the talent for every aspect of mothering. My mom, for example, forgot to instruct me in many important ways, like valuing myself. So my self-esteem is not what it […]