Inspirational Quotes: Forget Perfections

Forget the word “perfection.” There’s no such thing, so stop looking for it. While it would be great to have no faults, it’s impossible. It’s important to understand and be aware of your actions, as well as those around you. If your partner constantly points out your faults or scrutinizes your every action, walk away. […]
Narcissist Quotes: The Power of Silence

Creation is quiet is such a beautiful thought, especially in this changing season. It may still be frozen, and sounds of winter are loud where you are, but the thaw is coming. We promise. When the first spring flowers poke their leaves through the softening earth, it’s always a surprise the first time we see […]
Recovery Quotes: Tough Times

When you are going through tough times, it can seem like it will never end. Whether it’s depression, addiction, recovery, mental health issues, or any other issue, when we feel beat down and like there’s a tough road ahead of us it’s absolutely overwhelming. But, hanging in there and surviving tough times builds the foundation […]
Positive Quotes: Perspective Is All

Your Perspective Predicts The Outcome Your perspective predicts the outcome. The way we tackle each day can seriously change our outcome. Your perspective predicts your outcome in the long run. If you start the day on a good note, chances are, you’re more likely to say “yes” to either meeting with a friend, trying a […]
Recovery Quotes: Don’t Stop Trying

Don’t stop trying – tomorrow is another day. Rome wasn’t built in one day, right? So, don’t expect major results overnight. They require a lot of hard work and time. But, that’s what makes reaching those goals so rewarding. To keep that inspiration going, here are three activities you can try. Meditate Try meditation or […]
Gratitude Quotes: Your Life Experience

Gratitude changes your life experience because it changes your brain patterns which can change your behavior and actions. Really. Practicing yoga does this. So does meditation. But you can improve your mood just by feeling appreciative about whatever you have.