Mental Health Journal Prompt : 3 Things

mental health journal prompt

Mental health prompt to promote wellness in every way Mental health prompt gives you a way to remind you about your wellness. Your mental health is everything you say, think and do. Journaling helps you to know what you are and what you can do to improve. Are you chronic self-improvers? That’s the opposite of […]

Self-Esteem Journal Prompt: Compliments

self esteem journal prompt

Journal prompt compliments: Time to remember the good things people say Journal prompt compliments encourages you to think the good thoughts other people have about you instead of dwelling on the negative. Building self-esteem in recovery is critical! It may not be easy at first, but with practice and time, you’ll be amazed at the […]

Mental Health Journal Prompt: Happiness

Mental Health Journal Prompt Happiness

Journal prompt happiness gets you in the mood for more happiness now Journal prompt happiness is a way to connect with your happy self. Everyone needs to do it. Today the prompt is happiness. Did you know that happiness is something you can create. Really, you can. You can add it to your life, like […]

Mental Health Journal Prompt: Achievements

mental health journal prompt

Achievements are not what they used to be. No one is getting medals or free trips for a job well done. Bonuses may be a thing of the past for now. What really matters at this moment is how we’re coping. Everything you do when times are tough is an achievement. Are you cutting yourself […]

Mental Health Journal Prompt: Challenge

mental health journal prompt

Mental health journal prompt of the day! Taking care of your mental health is absolutely crucial for a happy life, healthy body, and positive relationships. One way to take care of our mental health is to create a roadmap. We do that by journaling, making lists, and using other tools to help us remember what’s […]

Self-Reflection Journal Prompt: Letter to Self

self reflection journal prompt

Letter to self helps you become the person you needed when you were younger Letter to self lets you take a few minutes to reflect on what you would have told yourself as a teenager. Would you have told yourself to be strong, to be patient, to avoid drugs and alcohol? Whatever it is, journal […]