Recovery Quote: Break Patterns
Recovery quote of the day Today’s recovery quote of the day is about breaking the old patterns. Do you have patterns or behaviors you keep repeating that are no longer serving you? For example, do you go to work for the same abusive boss time after time? Do you find yourself in unhealthy relationships over […]
Recovery Quote: Happy Life
Want a happy life? Who doesn’t To build a happy life, you have to have balance. Today’s recovery quote is about balance. Life doesn’t have to be a grind. We have the power to find moments in the day to enjoy something, call someone, close our eyes for a moment, and do anything else we […]
Top 10 Motivational Quotes
Here are our favorite motivational quotes Collected just for you, we put together our best motivational quotes. Motivational quotes are great to keep around because they are a constant reminder of why you should going, keep the faith, and stay strong! Follow us Instagram Click here for more quotes
Positive Quotes: Starting Fresh
Starting fresh doesn’t mean you’re back to square one. You’ve gained so much – so while it may feel like a setback, it’s not. You have more knowledge and experience to keep yourself afloat. Don’t let yourself stress over the clean page; it’s much better than living in the dark. Here are three ways to […]
Motivational Quotes: Say It Out Loud
You can change whatever is holding you back Say it out loud and create a new path for your thinking. If you are a person in recovery, it is crucial to talk about what’s holding you back so you can find solutions. Saying you feel weak or sad can be a form of relapse prevention. […]
Motivational Quotes: Stop And Think
One of the hallmarks of recovery is when you can stop and think things through before reacting. Sometimes you can write a letter to the person who has made you angry, but not send it. Reacting with anger rarely helps make things better. If you start writing your thoughts and feelings in a journal, you […]