Hope Quotes: Every Story

Hope quotes Every story has good and bad

If you stick around recovery groups for a while, you’ll eventually hear someone talk about growing up in recovery. That’s my story. When this all began, I simply needed to get sober and stay sober. What I didn’t realize was that I came into recovery with very few skills that would be helpful for a […]

Hope Quotes: Surviving A Toxic Past

hope quote surviving a toxic past

Who doesn’t have a toxic past? Surviving a toxic past is necessary for any path – especially in recovery. Seriously, if you’re a person in recovery or multiple 12-step programs, which many of us are, it’s more than likely that there’s some trauma or toxic situations in your past. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, […]

Hope Quotes: It’s Okay To Feel

Hope quotes It's okay to feel

Life can get pretty crazy, but it’s important to remember that you’re only human – it’s okay to feel. You don’t always have to be the strong superhero. It gets exhausting swallowing your emotions to appease everyone. And smiling 24/7 isn’t healthy – in fact, it can lead to drinking. Sometimes, you need to let […]

Hope Quotes: Emotional Healing

Hope quotes emotional healing

Emotional healing takes time just like physical healing. I remember when I broke my foot. The doctor told me it would take eight weeks before I could use it. Guess what? I didn’t believe him. I thought my bones were super bones and could heal just fine in three weeks. Using my broken foot before […]

Hope Quotes: New Opportunity

Hope quotes Every day is a new opportunity

Every day is a new opportunity for growth. You’ve heard the term “One day at a time.” Recovery slogans like that one actually help to reinforce new attitudes. Did know that you can change your brain and speech patterns by repeating more positive words? Negative self-talk is telling yourself, “nothing can ever change, that you […]

Self Love Quotes: The Key To Mental Health

the key to mental health is self love

The key to mental health is now associated with a confusing term, self-love. What on earth is self-love? Does the term self love freak you out? A lot of us have trouble with the idea of loving ourselves. The key to mental health is respect for ourselves Self-love is like self-esteem. It may be the […]