Unloved Daughters: Understanding Echoism

unloved daughters

Unloved Daughters Are Vulnerable To Takers And Users

Unloved daughters is not a term we talk about every day, but there’s more to it than narcissism. “While the word “narcissism” has certainly gone mainstream—Google it and you’ll be offered up no fewer than 57 million entries—the term “echoism,” coined by my fellow blogger Dr. Craig Malkin in his book Rethinking Narcissism, is now beginning to get the recognition it deserves. Mind you, echoism isn’t a diagnosis but a trait, and knowing about it can be valuable on the journey to reclaiming yourself from the effects of a toxic childhood or one in which your emotional needs weren’t met.

The Narcissist Has A Prey With Unloved Daughters

The term derives from the same Greek myth as narcissism. The story is a morality tale about the gods, overstepping bonds, unrequited love, and the dangers of self-absorption. A wood nymph named Echo is punished by the Goddess Hera for distracting her from spying on one of her husband Zeus’ paramours; Echo is deprived of her voice, only able to repeat the words said by another.

The other thread in the myth is the beautiful Narcissus who is granted eternal life as long as he doesn’t catch a glimpse of himself; again, there is a glitch because the gods notice that he’s rather a cad and he leaves a trail of spurned dead lovers in his wake. Mind you, all of this via Ovid and other sources, long before chick flicks and Lifetime movies. Yes, as scripted, destiny is cruel:

The Myth Where Unloved Daughters Comes From

Echo falls in love with Narcissus who sees his reflection, becomes besotted with his own pretty face, and dies (but he does get to turn into a flower which is more than Echo gets) and the spurned Echo becomes, yes, an echo. In Dr. Malkin’s view, if narcissism is seen as a spectrum—with healthy self-regard in the middle—the grandiose, self-absorbed and empathy-deficient Narcissus is one on end and the disempowered and voiceless Echo is on the other.

While none of us needs convincing that it’s bad to be a narcissist and even worse to be involved with one, it’s really no better to be at the self-effacing end where the person is incapable of seeing her own needs, much less addressing them. And, yes, being in a relationship with an echoist has its own set of perils.

How Unloved Daughters Become Echoists

 Not every unloved daughter will become an echoist; her behaviors are developed in response to her mother’s treatment of her and some patterns of maternal behavior are more likely to produce an echoist—someone who doesn’t have enough healthy narcissism or self-regard—than others. Mothers who are high in narcissistic traits who teach their children that their job is to stay in Mom’s orbit, act as she wants you to act or pay the consequences, and that pleasing someone else is more important than voicing your own needs and wants provide the perfect environment for raising an echoist.

This daughter has learned that the path to success with her mother is remaining voiceless. Daughters who have mothers who are combative or controlling also learn that to speak out has a high price and some will detach from their own feelings and thoughts to go along to get along; they have absorbed the lesson that staying under the radar is a safe place to be and that unconscious assumption follows them into adult life.

The Mothers Of Unloved Daughters Have Poor Parenting Skills

Mothers high in control with an authoritarian style of parenting often believe that criticizing a child or undermining her achievement prevents her from “getting a swelled head,” being self-centered, prideful, or thinking “too highly of herself” also produce echoists. Similarly, shaming a child for “being too sensitive” or crying or showing her feelings muzzles the child emotionally and echoism becomes a way of protecting herself. In my book, Daughter Detox, I use the framework of attachment theory to explain the effects of childhood treatment on the unloved daughter.

Not being seen, not having your emotional needs met, and not being loved or supported results in an insecure adult style of attachment.

There are three:

  • Anxious-preoccupied
  • Fearful-avoidant
  • Dismissive-avoidant.

The first two—anxious-preoccupied and fearful-avoidant—also describe the echoist.

Attachment Theory Adds To Understanding Unloved Daughters

While using attachment theory gives us the clearest picture of the unloving mother’s effect on her daughter’s unconscious behaviors, her deficits in managing emotion, and the mental models which govern her unconscious assumptions about love and relationship, using the full spectrum of narcissism can give us special insight into certain problems that dog so many of these women in adulthood.

One such area is that of achievement and setting goals. Anecdotally at least, the unloved daughter seems either a chronic underachiever or a high achiever; from all the interviews I’ve conducted for both of my books on the subject and all the conversations I’ve had since, there appears to be little ground in between. The underachiever is usually understood in terms of her lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and how she’s been taught to avoid failure but adding the perspective of echoism builds another layer of nuance into the mix.

Unloved Daughters Hide In The Shadow

According to Dr. Malkin, the extreme echoist doesn’t want to be noticed; she’s much more comfortable hiding in the shadows where it’s safe and what better way to do that than to underachieve? Interestingly, while she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself, she is caring and does for others; she’s the friend you have who’s always willing to go the extra mile for others but who cringes at a compliment. Do you know her? In my view, echoism sheds even more light on the unloved daughter who’s a high achiever.

While, on the surface at least, these women seem to have fully recovered from their childhoods and appear to have overcome being ignored or marginalized, put-down or criticized, they continue to be plagued by self-criticism and doubt. Their feelings of being “less than” absolutely co-exist with accolades and honors, high-paying and prestigious positions, not to mention advanced degrees. Their achievements don’t bring them the kind of satisfaction and sense of well-being they would to someone who has a secure attachment style and who’s in the healthy middle of the narcissism spectrum.

Unloved Daughters Feel Like Frauds

Unloved daughters often feel like imposters or frauds, attributing their successes to flukes or luck instead of talent and effort. Echoism explains all that; despite their standing in the outside world, they’re still echoists at heart, especially if they fear being mistaken for or labeled as a narcissist like their mothers.

Alternatively, since the echoist knows better than to ask anyone for anything—her childhood has taught her that needing something is a weakness or dangerous—her achievements may serve as protection, a declaration to the world that she’s fine as is and needs nothing from anyone. Of course, deep down, that’s not true; like Echo, she can’t find a way to give voice to herself. Whether the echoist is anxious or fearful, she still suffers, even if she can’t put why she does into words. Is this you?

Using An Understanding Of Echoism To Explain Unloved Daughters

Please keep in mind that echoism, as Dr. Malkin explains, is a trait, not a diagnosis. It isn’t the same as being introverted; you can be introverted, have stable self-regard, and still, dislike being spotlighted center-stage. Using the full narcissism spectrum as a way of understanding both your own behaviors and those of others is a helpful addition to the toolbox the unloved daughter needs on the road to recovery.” From Peg Streep @ Psychology Today: If you love ROR content: Check out 100 Tips For Growing Up Follow us on Instagram

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