Mental Health Tips To Feel Good Everyday

mental health tips

Having Useful Mental Health Tips Can Add Joy Everyday

Mental mental health tips keep me going. Really. I find the toughest part of life is maintaining that daily feel good, know what I mean? Some days I wake up and feel great, others not so much. So what’s the answer?

But, let’s back up before we get there. Many of us are raised to be successful and to do well in life, but that often doesn’t include the keys to happiness. That’s because true happiness doesn’t come from the bells and whistle – the outside stuff. It comes from feeling loved and loving others, being of service, helping people and animals in need, accomplishing goals, feeling satisfied with your work life. So, often the way we are wired is in conflict with actually feeling happy everyday.

For me, finding good mental health and having happy days came when I figured out what I need to do everyday to stay peaceful, balanced, and positive. Good mental health can be had if follow the formulas and make sure you’re focused on the right things.

Mental Health Tips 1: Identify your personal mental health challenges

All mental health tips should start with awareness. This is not the time to give yourself permission to look the other way. Get real clear on the issues around your mental health: How are you feeling? Do you feel like your feelings are out of control? What is stressing you out? Who is stressing you out? You can begin fixing things when you know what’s hurting you. Once you have an idea of whether you’re experiencing general malaise or something a bit more serious, you can make a plan about what to do. FYI, there are professionals who can counsel you on what to do no matter what ails you. Journaling your feelings helps with this tip

Mental Health Tips 2: Help someone in need

Mental health tips are all about easing your anxiety and distress. You can lower your mental health blood pressure and self doubt by helping someone else. Connecting with another person and ending your isolation are only two of the many benefits you get from helping. Helping takes the focus off of you. I have friends who have lost friends. You do, too, I’m sure. These friends who have lost someone need your support. Family members also need support. People new to recovery, especially, need your support right now. Look wider into the community and take note of all the ways people are helping each other. From answering phones, to being of service in recovery or at work, to checking in on people you know are lonely–find those ways to connect and help.

Mental Health Tips 3: practice positive psychology

One of my favorite books is the The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Anchor. In the book, Anchor recommends seven daily principles for positive brain change. You see, being happy is a practice, just like Yoga or Buddhism. From practicing your strengths to finding things to look forward to, you can train your brain to focus on the positive not the negative. I’m not suggesting you can think serious depression away, but you can help your brain improve the way you think. Learning positive self talk and self think may be the most important thing you can do for your mental health.

Mental Health Tips 4: take regular breaks from the news and social media

Sometimes there is so much upsetting news, it’s hard to cope. When you feel dread even before you turn on the TV or open social media, it’s time to protect your mental health stop looking! Turn to books, streaming services, or soothing activities and people. Don’t torment yourself with the misguided idea that you must be up-to-date on every story. What you must do, is care for your mind and feed it as much positive or nurturing material as you do negative.

Mental Health Tips 5: move your body for your mental health

It doesn’t matter if it’s just a walk around the block. It will help with your mental health. If you’re up for it, do yoga or online classes at home. We have a running coach who writes about starting an exercise program, if you want to check that out. If you’re not up for going outside, make sure you at least stretch. Take it from someone who has had spinal surgery, you don’t want your body too tight and out-of-shape. You won’t feel well and you’ll have pain in your body. Whether it’s head aches, neck aches, back aches, hip aches, or whatever, your body will let you know it’s unhappy so it give it the stretching and movement it needs.

Mental Health Tips 6: Create a coping plan

Make a plan for when all else fails. When I am not feeling great there are two people I can call and go see almost immediately if they are available. Feeling alone is the worst. Pretend we’re back in kindergarten and you need a buddy for class trip. Who’s going to be your buddy so you don’t get lost? What can you do if no one is around? I often throw the dogs in the car and head to the water. Is there anywhere you can go that will make you feel good? Find things to watch, read, and listen to so there’s always something to help you cope through a bad or bored moment.

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