Bullying has hit a new high recently in almost every area of life. Are you feeling mean or loving? There are a lot of angry people out there hurting each other and making the season less than jolly. What is making us so mean to each other? Where does the bullying come from? Is it politics? The stress related to the virus and sickness can also be a factor. People aren’t liking other people. Why is that Are people angry because of inflation or losing their jobs? There are many reasons for being frustrated. But bullying doesn’t have to follow.
People are mean, which reminds me of the seasonal Rudolf bullying story. Some say that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer conveys a lesson on how to deal with childhood bullying. According to the movie, after Rudolph runs away – a wonderful thing happens – he grows up! And he realizes that running away is not how to handle your troubles. I beg to differ… How does that reduce bullying?