Sober Quote: Sobriety Is Never Owned

Sobriety is never owned is something to remember Sobriety is never owned is a quote that really resonates. It reminds us that there is always work to do. The good news about “recovery rent” being due every day is that every day brings a new opportunity for progress and growth. Creating new routines and rituals […]
Sobriety Journal Prompt: Your Recovery Enabler

A recovery enabler helps you stay positive about your sobriety Who is the person who keeps you going when sometimes you want a break, or you feel temped to let go altogether? Enabling is not a good thing when it comes to your drug of choice, but it’s an essential component for achieving long-term recovery. […]
Sober Quote: You Can Survive Recovery

Can you survive recovery? Of course, you can. Just take one step at a time, one tiny step. And we have some great tips and tools for you. Your first steps in recovery may be a little wobbly and scary, but you do know how to walk already. It’s okay if you’re a toddler in […]
Anxiety Journal Prompt: Journal A Letter

Why is it useful to journal a letter to someone who makes you anxious or angry? Journaling is the second most calming thing you can do. The first, of course, is exercise. You didn’t think we’d say have a drink, did you? Exercise works by releasing endorphins that make you feel good. It also makes […]
Mental Health Journal Prompt: Achievements

Achievements are not what they used to be. No one is getting medals or free trips for a job well done. Bonuses may be a thing of the past for now. What really matters at this moment is how we’re coping. Everything you do when times are tough is an achievement. Are you cutting yourself […]
Sober Quote: Empowering Words

Why are these such empowering words? “I don’t drink.” Empowering words, like these, grow on you. Can you say something that used to cause you discomfort? There are many empowering words that show your pride about things that may once have bothered you. Here’s an example: I’ve lived in places where people frown on you […]