Abuse Quotes: Your Deepest Heartache

Family can be your deepest heartache because it’s not supposed to be that way. We just got a note from a reader who said his sister was telling lies about him and wanted to know how to make it stop. It’s called triangulation because you have no recourse to fix the lies. Sound familiar? Well, […]
Gaslighting Is A Sign Of Malignant Narcissism

What is malignant narcissism? It’s not really a diagnostic term, but we like it because nothing malignant is good for you. Narcissism is a character disorder in which a person believes they are the most important person on earth. This sense of importance and dominance makes the narcissist do everything in their power to gain […]
Neglect Is Abusive When You Need Love And Support

Neglect is abusive. That’s a mouthful and a big statement. There are many kinds of neglect, some worse than others. You can forget to water your plants, or not take your dog for a long enough walk, ever. Is that abusive? Not watering your plant can kill it. Not exercising your dog is like not […]
Self-Esteem Journal Prompt: I’m Enjoy-able

This self esteem journal prompt I’m enjoy-able is a perfect way to start or end your day This journal prompt I’m enjoy-able gives you the opportunity to say something nice about yourself today. And you probably need it. Download and print all of our journal prompts to create your own self-esteem journal. Keep your writing. […]
Sobriety Journal Prompt: Lean On

Sobriety Journal Prompt: Lean On Good day! Today’s sobriety journal prompt is about who, or what, you lean on when you struggle with addiction. When you take a test, you want to prepare, right? Well, having a successful sobriety and recovery takes preparation too. Getting sober and staying sober is not easy, but it can […]
Tian Dayton Quotes: Taking Responsibility

Taking responsibility means being able to say “my bad” when things don’t turn out well and not keep pretending it’s someone else’s fault. Say you didn’t do something you were supposed to do and the consequences were dire. You don’t say, well, you kept me up last night. Or you did this so I forgot […]