Sobriety Journal Prompt: Lean On

sobriety journal prompt what I lean on
sobriety journal prompt what I lean on

Sobriety Journal Prompt: Lean On

Good day! Today’s sobriety journal prompt is about who, or what, you lean on when you struggle with addiction. When you take a test, you want to prepare, right? Well, having a successful sobriety and recovery takes preparation too. Getting sober and staying sober is not easy, but it can be done. Those who maintain sobriety and recovery often have a big recovery tool kit to lean on.

A recovery toolkit can include anything you think will help support you and your sobriety efforts. One of the best things you can include in a toolkit is a list of people you can depend on when you’re feeling squirrely. If people aren’t your thing, perhaps there are activities or things to listen to that will help pass the time and keep you busy until the cravings pass.

When we are struggling, we lean on our pets, exercise, sober friends, sponsors, professionals (if necessary), journaling, listening to music, sound baths, and bubble baths.

What do you lean on when you feel the itch?

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