It’s Not Safe To Relapse: Prevention Tips That Work
It’s not safe to relapse because can mean death in this fentanyl landscape. Here’s the scary truth: It is no longer safe to relapse on narcotics or Rx drugs. I was a relapser before I got sober for good, so know this is coming from a place of experience. I’m the first to understand that relapse is part of the process, but I was relapsing before the time of Fentanyl.
It’s Not Safe To Relapse Because Drugs I Used To Use Have Changed
I have no doubt that if I were still relapsing with pills I’d be dead. Street drugs from cocaine to meth are being laced with Fentanyl, street-made Rx drugs like Xanax and Oxy are being laced with Fentanyl, and I’ve even heard street weed has been laced with Fentanyl. If you have never used a drug like Fentanyl, it will kill you, even in tiny amounts.
Let’s get to solution because there’s no point in harping on the negative. The exciting news is recovery is everywhere! It’s on the Internet, it’s on social media, and you can find therapists and help online almost any time! There are resources and toolkits available to keep you on track with your recovery, so let’s look at what they are.
The 3 C’s: My Special Recipe for Relapse Prevention
It’s Not Safe To Relapse: Connection Means Safety In Numbers
For me, connecting to other like-minded people has been and is life-saving. I call or text people in recovery every day to check in and keep an eye on each other. Being able to connect to other sober people through meetings, groups, and sponsorship is a big piece of staying on the beam. To avoid relapse, I highly recommend staying connected to people who can understand what you’re going through.
Sometimes the people in our households don’t understand what we’re experiencing. That’s why it’s imperative to talk with people who can make us feel OK and normal. There are many recovery groups from 12 step to SMART recovery, all with a unique perspective that will provide a supportive recovery community.
If you want online meetings, look at or InTheRooms. Try in-person too. There’s nothing like in-person support groups. There are also sober social meet ups, sober Yoga groups, sober Buddhist groups. Just start exploring and see what fits for you.
It’s Not Safe To Relapse: Confession
There’s power in saying something out loud and admitting when you feel weak. Call someone you trust, someone who gets it, and won’t judge you, and let them know when you’re feeling like a drink or a drug. It’s OK to ask for help. It’s a necessary part of recovery, and until one learns how to ask for and accept help, one will struggle with this disease. I can’t tell you how many times the people I admire the most in recovery have told me of a moment when they felt like giving up. But, by telling someone and talking about it, the disease gets stopped in its tracks.
If you don’t feel like you have anyone to call, you can try hotlines or online therapists, both have wonderful people waiting to help.
It’s Not Safe To Relapse: Consolation
The next thing I think we have to do for ourselves is to console ourselves. Take care of that inner child who didn’t get heard and who didn’t get her or his little needs met. Give ourselves the things we need to feel loved and understood–even if we don’t have the exact situation we want in life. A consolation is a person or thing providing comfort to a person who has suffered
I think people in recovery need a little comfort. It’s not an easy choice to get and stay sober, so it deserves a reward. Let the recovery system work for you and accept consolation. Or provide yourself with comfort and encouragement. To me, that means I’m going to be enjoying all the things I know work for me. I will meditate when necessary, and I will go outside and walk the dogs, and listen to music, I and cook and enjoy food because I love food. If you meditate, now might be a good time to get a mantra.
It’s Not Safe To Relapse Conclusion
There are my three Cs to relapse prevention. Stay connected, confess to someone if you need some extra love, and console yourself because this sobriety road we’re on is tough. 100 Tips For Growing Up is a great resource in easy tips for relapse prevention and attaining the life you want and deserve. I lived it and wrote the tips to make it easier for you. Enjoy.
Check out my book 100Tips For Growing Up

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