Loving grandparents, friends, spouses, and your support system all can take the place of moms who aren’t with you
Others can take the place of mothers, especially in this day and age. This quote about mothers is what we used to believe in the days when families were all believed to be good, whether they were or not. The myth that mom was the best and only source of love and support has created a huge amount of disappointment and hurt for people whose moms were (are) narcissistic, had substance use problems, or were just not present for them.
Your mother is only one person and not perfect no matter who she is. But the people who actually mother you throughout your life can be many and wonderful. Who among us knows that other people can mother us? Those of us who have lost our moms through addiction or illness have found love from other family members and programs that help the healing process.
You can also heal by getting professional help, learning to trust, and helping your own new family (whatever it looks like) grow from dysfunctional to functional.
Others can take the place of mothers, like grandparents
Grandparents, especially, need to be recognized in this time when mothers are lost to addiction and leave young children behind with no one else to raise them.
Those of us in recovery from addiction find mothering and guidance from groups like al-anon and other kinds of fellowship,. If you didn’t have supportive moms you can or already have learned that many people can take the place of your mother.