What Are The Stages Of Recovery From Addiction

recovery from addiction

Recovery From Addiction Doesn’t Happen In 30 Days

How long do you think it takes to recover from addiction? It may surprise you to know that recovery from addiction is a complex and deeply personal journey that involves multiple stages. We know people who have been working on it all their lives. Recovery is not just one thing. That’s why understanding the stages of recovery can be helpful. There is a process of recovery that should involve both family members and everyone affected.

Every level explains how to identify the issue, accept it, and get ready for addiction therapy, and deal with alcohol and drug usage following treatment at NUMA – Los Angeles Detox and Rehab. Here, we will explore the stages of addiction recovery, highlighting unique characteristics and challenges of each stage. By gaining a more reasonable understanding of these stages, individuals can develop realistic expectations, seek appropriate support, and embrace the transformative journey of recovery. 

Pre contemplation Stage Is When Use May Be A Problem

The pre contemplation stage is the initial phase where you may not recognize or acknowledge that using or drinking has become an addiction. You or your family member may be in denial, minimizing the consequences of your substance use, or not yet fully aware of the impact it has on everyone around you. In this stage, you may resist seeking help or deny the need for change. Loved ones can play a crucial role by expressing concern, providing education, and encouraging self-reflection. 

Contemplation Stage Is When You Start Thinking About Use

During the contemplation stage, you start to recognize the adverse effects of drug and alcohol use and consider making a change. You may weigh the pros and cons of quitting, experiencing ambivalence and uncertainty. This stage is characterized by internal conflicts and the contemplation of treatment options. Support from friends, family, or professionals can help individuals explore their motivations, address their fears, and gain a clearer perspective on the need for change. 

Preparation Stage Is Getting Ready To Take Action

The preparation stage marks a shift from contemplation to action. People in this stage are committed to making a change and are actively preparing for treatment or recovery at the best treatment providers like NUMA – Los Angeles Detox and Rehab. They may set goals, gather resources, and seek professional help or support groups. In this phase, you might establish a support system, organize a detoxification program, and look for a rehab facility. 

Action Stage Is When Recovery Starts

Action stage is in which people put their goals into action and actively participate in the rehabilitation process. They might commit to getting rehabilitation treatment through therapy, counselling, support groups, or a mix of techniques. This stage requires significant effort as individuals confront the challenges of withdrawal, learn new coping skills, and make lifestyle changes. Professional guidance, a vital support system, and a structured treatment program are crucial during this stage. 

Maintenance Stage Is Lasting Change

The maintenance stage begins once you have achieved initial sobriety and have transitioned into a more stable phase. By establishing healthy behaviors, continuing therapy or counseling, and actively engaging in support networks, people in this stage try to maintain their recovery and avoid relapse. This stage may involve continuing counseling, support group gatherings, and learning new coping skills to deal with difficulties in life without turning to substance abuse. 

Relapse and Recovery Stage 

Relapse is a common event in addiction recovery and should get viewed as part of the overall recovery process rather than a failure. The relapse and recovery stage involves acknowledging and addressing setbacks, learning from them, and renewing commitment to sobriety. Individuals need to seek support, reassess their treatment plans, and make necessary adjustments to prevent future relapses. 


Recovery from addiction is a multi-faceted journey that unfolds through different stages. By understanding and embracing the stages of recovery, individuals can develop resilience, maintain motivation, and navigate setbacks with a renewed sense of purpose. It is important to remember that recovery is not a linear process and that each person’s journey is unique. With apt support, treatment, and self-reflection, individuals can move through the stages of recovery, embracing a healthier, happier, and substance-free life. 

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