Time To Change Holiday Traditions?
Guess what? If you are a person in recovery, you may need to create new holiday traditions to replace the old ones that no longer fit into your life. What do I mean? Well, if you’re anything like we used to be, the holidays were a time to get lit! And by lit, I mean drunk and high. It’s funny how I used to think I needed drugs and alcohol to have a good time when in reality, they created such problems across the board. The good news is that if you have new sobriety, this is a time to create a new fun life that doesn’t involve stressing the new sober lifestyle.
The Fun Part Of Recovery Is Creating New Holiday Traditions
This year you have some possibilities for detachment from toxic family that maybe you didn’t have last year if you have new sobriety and don’t want to deal with the drama. You don’t have to go home. You can avoid arguments and stress. You can create your own fun with whoever you want.
You don’t have to be sad about what’s lost this year. I’ve learned to love the holidays because I created new holiday traditions for myself. Gone are the days of family fights, divorce heartbreak, and whatever other drama ran my life. I do have dogs, though. Even a new puppy this year. Many of my friends and family have gotten pets during the last few years to fight the boredom and isolation and no one regrets it. Pets give you so much to do and think about
New Holiday Traditions For A New Situation
The holidays used to haunt me. Nothing like thinking back to the days when holidays brought family fights, drunkenness and god knows what else. But, once you’ve found sobriety and recovery, you don’t need to let those memories keep the holiday hostage. If you plan to have a long-term recovery, then creating new holiday traditions is a must! There’s plenty to look forward to if you single out the things that make you happy about the holidays or bring the things you love into the holidays.
5 new holiday traditions to brighten the season
Be of service in some capacity – There were so many holidays in the past that sucked for me in some capacity. I was struggling with my own sobriety, fighting with family, fighting with people I was in relationships with, etc., etc. Over the years, I have found that being of service does more for me than people I have helped. I have been of service through 12-step programs during the holidays. There are so many ways to be of service this year. Helping can take many forms from shopping for neighbors to calling isolated friends, to taking the gratitude challenge. Stay connected to those who need support in their recovery, and sometimes being of service is just not complaining, just bringing a little smile as you walk through the world today.
Start a new hobby People all over the country are cooking, painting, beading, and coloring. Or you can be creative and color your way through the 12 steps and support your recovery at the same time. Have I mentioned journaling? Download the sobriety journal prompts and start your own journal today. Journaling changing my life and can change yours, too. You can clean your house and get some plants. Little things can cheer you.
Get spiritual This can be anything. You can find your higher power with meditation, yoga, your own religion, or even candles and crystals. We love collecting things that make us feel closer to nature or to serenity.
Cook, Eat or Order – If you don’t like food, I don’t understand you. I love food. I love cooking it, going out and eating, ordering in… I just love food! The holidays have provided me an opportunity to learn how to make the holiday foods I love while also bringing my own twist into the holiday food tour. I look forward to the holidays for the food and I always will. I recommend it.
Binge-watch a show — Since I got sober years ago and watched the entire series of The Shield, binge-watching a show I’ve been meaning to watch has become a holiday tradition for me. I watched the entire series of Breaking Bad over one particularly boring holiday season. Maybe you prefer books or going to the movies but do whatever it is you love and make it a yearly thing. Binge-watching shows and comparing notes has been a pass time for millions since the Pandemic struck. It really can get you out of yourself.
Find someone or something to love — If you have a partner, spouse, children, or big family, there are lots of people around to share the love. For me, there were years I was single and lived far from my family. In those years, it was essential to love the ones I was with. I’d invite sober friends over for a meal, I’d do special things for my dogs, and I’d go out to a special meal with one of my besties. Celebrate anyone in your life who you care for. We are meant to love other people and animals. As I mentioned, this is a good time to foster a dog or cat, or even give one a forever home. Last year I got a rescue from China called Bentley. This year we have a new baby called Stella. Maybe we have enough dogs now. Enjoy your season.
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