Relationship Quotes: Healthy Signs

Signs of healthy relationships are happiness and contentment What are the signs of healthy relationships? The answer is key to the question of what makes people happy which has been studied all over the world for centuries. What makes people happy is not what you think. Riches and things do not make people happy. Even […]
Narcissist Quotes: Narcissists Can Be Dangerous

Narcissists can be dangerous when you are a pleaser and giver and your partner or lover is a taker and hurter. Narcissists are the monster under the bed and in the bed. They are attracted to people trained to be loving and giving, but why are narcissists so dangerous? Narcissists are dangerous because they don’t […]
Detachment Is An Opportunity For Growth

Detachment is an opportunity for growth for so many reasons, even though at times it may seem downright cruel to turn away from helping. If it’s easy for me to wash the dishes or do the marketing and include my loved ones in my tasks for myself, I may think helping isn’t a big deal. […]
Boundary Quotes: Beat Bullying

How can you beat bullying? What if you’re not sure what bullying is happening to you? Should you let it slide. The way to beat bullying is to speak up. When you don’t like something that someone else is doing, particularly a friend, partner, or relative, you make it clear. If they continue doing it […]
Boundary Quotes: How Are You Treated

How are you treated? Sometimes we have someone in our life who doesn’t treat us well and it can be very upsetting and bad for our self-esteem. We can’t dictate how others treat us, but we can create boundaries to protect ourselves. If someone treats us badly, it’s our responsibility to establish healthy boundaries to […]
Narcissist Quotes Unsafe To Disagree

An unsafe environment to disagree is anywhere you can’t be your true self. It’s a fact that disagreeing with your boss is not a good idea when he likes things done his/her own way. You may not want to disagree with a doctor. That might be unsafe, too. In personal and family relationships, however, an […]