In The Rooms Celebrates 15th Anniversary

In The rooms

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In The Rooms Founders Ron Tannebaum and Ken Pomerance Celebrate 14 Years

In The Rooms is your go-to resource for Online meetings. 12 Step programs are almost 100 years old and have helped millions of people, but something magical happened 14 years ago. Two friends in Florida brought the whole world of recovery together when they brought recovery to the Internet 14 years ago . For the first time recovery meetings were accessible to everyone no matter where in the world they are. This was important because not everyone lives near meetings, or has transportation to meeting, and being connected to others is one of the key components to long term recovery from addiction success. To be able to attend a meeting and interact with others without leaving home was revolutionary indeed. Lindsey and I met the legendary duo almost a decade ago when we filmed their story, and now we are proud to call them friends. See the movie below.

In The Rooms Brought Meetings Home

Ken Pomerance and Ron Tannebaum came up with a revolutionary idea that was to change the face of recovery for people around the world. What started as a great idea, flourished into a globally recognized recovery tool and lifesaving platform for millions of people. 

With Ken’s imaginative nature and Ron’s can-do attitude, the pair immediately set about creating what we now know as or ITR to its devoted users. With the popularity of social media platforms skyrocketing, the pair felt that creating an inclusive and safe space for the recovery community was totally doable. Having enjoyed decades of recovery themselves, through a 12 step process, they both understood the importance of anonymity for the potential users of this new platform. They endeavored to keep their users safe in all aspects, and making sure member’s personal information was well sealed behind a firewall was also a priority. The list of what Ron and Ken wanted grew and included a wish to have live, online meetings to cater for all recovery fellowships and paths. 

In The Rooms Is Wherever You Are

All of that and more has come to fruition. It’s gone initially from technology not being able to support online meetings, to now having over 150 live, interactive meetings per week with something to support every time zone. Included are 69 live online AA meetings, 30 NA meetings, Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Sex Addicts Anonymous, CODA, Dual Diagnosis, and much more

Addiction, in all its forms, is a scary concept for most people. It is largely misunderstood, and finding people with empathy and understanding to talk to about it can be a difficult task. It was that need for friendship and understanding that brings people to In The Rooms. Thankfully,  The addiction “stigma” has significantly relaxed over the last 15 years, with people now posting their anniversaries on Facebook and Instagram for all to see. There is no doubt that has contributed to that freedom of thought and expression, piloted by the passion for a recovery lifestyle that Ken and Ron enjoyed themselves. 

Ron and Ken were never prepared for all of the people that started their Recovery on In The Rooms. They built this site initially for people that had already had some experience in Recovery. What they found though, was that many members had never been to a “face-to-face” meeting, and In The Rooms became their “lifeline” to recovery. 

If you have never visited Please do, it’s FREE, and you have nothing to lose. If you are a member and haven’t logged in for a long time, please come back to see all the new features we have and how we have matured.


In The rooms
In The Rooms Founders Ken Pomerance and Ron Tannebaum

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