Relapse thoughts are common but you don’t have to
Relapse thoughts can keep you in a shame and blame state. Today’s sobriety quote reminds us that slipping can part of the recovery process for many people. It is nothing to feel bad about. The important thing is to not be defined by your relapses, if you have them. It happens. You deal with it and move on. It’s best to do everything you can to prevent relapse, but if it does happen, just keep coming back.
How to quit drinking or drugging is not a one size fits all recovery. Everyone has to find their own way to do it and how to do it. But, without sobriety, there is nothing to build on. Nothing to rely on and no end to the suffering for yourself and others.
Thoughts and fears about relapse shouldn’t keep you from the gift of sobriety.
Relapse thoughts are thoughts that you can change. Really. Making the decision to get sober and stay sober leads to a new life with new feelings, newfound self-esteem, and new opportunities. It’s impossible to think about the future or goals, or anything important while in active addiction. In active addiction, we can’t see the world straight, much less ourselves. Once sober though, we can see things clearly. We can locate the issues and create solutions. Sobriety is the key to self-acceptance and self-understanding.
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