Narcissist Quotes: How To Escape Control

If you’ve been controlled by a narcissist, you know that heavy feeling in your gut. It can feel impossible to escape a narcissist’s control. Every day is like walking on eggshells. Even then, it seems almost impossible to get through a full day without an argument and tears. Narcissists know how to flip the blame […]
Narcissist Quotes: Hurt Feelings Can Control You

Hurt feelings in a loved one can make you feel so bad. Is it your fault when someone takes everything you say the wrong way? Excessive sensitivity is way up there in the relationship manipulation department. Here’s why. One of the most painful forms of relationship stress feeling that you are walking on eggshells with […]
Narcissist Quotes: Overcome Narcissistic Abuse

So, you’ve finally escaped narcissistic abuse. Now you have to accept that the abuse is not your fault. Be sure you don’t allow the trauma of narcissism trap you into having toxic thoughts. This means: Believing that you either deserved the abuse or were the cause. This is how people with narcissistic personalities or narcissistic […]
Narcissist Quotes: Anger Defense Or Offense

Anger can be a defense against accusations. This happens frequently in families where there are substance or alcohol use disorders or behavior disorders like gambling. Anger can also be a defense of closely-held opinions or views. We see this anger erupting in politics right now. If you hold an opposing view to a friend or […]
Narcissist Quotes: You’re Not Too Sensitive

When you’re not too sensitive, you know the truth. Someone is controlling you by making you feel bad. And there’s no way to fix it. The other person won’t listen long enough for you to speak your truth. Narcissists use the sensitivity chip to get away with abusive behavior. It takes two to have a […]
Narcissist Quotes: Narcissists Project Blame

Want to know how narcissists project blame? They can’t accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong. So if something isn’t working and they want control over the situation, they literally put their feelings and blame on you. So it doesn’t matter what you really think or what you’ve done, narcissists will turn whatever you say […]