Narcissist Quotes: You’re A Fixer

Manipulation makes you a fixer by getting you to do, often unreasonable, things that you really don’t want to do. It’s important to know that manipulation is often built on a series of lies and misinformation. Lies what’s really happening or about you inspire negative feelings. You feel guilty or sad, and you worry about […]
Recovery Quotes: Positive Relationships

Building positive relationships starts with recognizing relationship red flags. Are you in tune with what’s really going on in your relationships? Warning signs can escape you when you want a love connection or friendship to work. You may be waiting too long to accept a negative reality, hoping that your gut feelings are wrong about […]
Positive Quotes: Positive Relationships

Building positive relationships is one of the main goals of a recovery life. Sometimes we come into recovery with dysfunctional relationships, whether with family, friends, or romantic partners. But, in recovery, we learn how to detach with love from toxic or troublesome people and connect with people who care for us and want the best. […]
Boundary Quotes: Beat Bullying

How can you beat bullying? What if you’re not sure what bullying is happening to you? Should you let it slide. The way to beat bullying is to speak up. When you don’t like something that someone else is doing, particularly a friend, partner, or relative, you make it clear. If they continue doing it […]
Boundary Quotes: How Are You Treated

How are you treated? Sometimes we have someone in our life who doesn’t treat us well and it can be very upsetting and bad for our self-esteem. We can’t dictate how others treat us, but we can create boundaries to protect ourselves. If someone treats us badly, it’s our responsibility to establish healthy boundaries to […]
Toxic Relationship Quotes: The Silent Treatment

The silent treatment is the passive aggressive’s go-to tool of control and abuse because it really hurts. It’s like a nuclear annulation. When someone isn’t talking to you, looking at you, or listening to you, you are effectively shut down, shut out. The weapon that erases you You may feel crazy. You wonder what’s wrong. […]