5 Tips To Manage College Stress

College stress

College Stress Affects Students’ Mental Health Here’s What To Do

Overwhelmed by college stress? Don’t let it get out of hand. You worked hard to get there, but now managing expectations is frightening. Applying for college and becoming a freshman may be one of the most exciting moments in your life. It’s also the start of a very stressful journey toward earning your academic degree. According to published data, 61% of college students seek help to mend their anxiety, depression, or academic performance.

While college is an important part of a person’s development, it can also be taxing on your mind and body if you let it. Instead of burning out due to anxiety and stress, here’s how you can start managing your mental wellness as a college freshman.

Tips To Ease College Stress 

Break Down Your Goals To Achievable Milestones

College Stress: Don’t Postpone

That’s a real stress and anxiety producer. Yes, you will naturally be overwhelmed when tasked to write a long-form essay or read a 200-page document in a week or two. However, breaking down your goals into more achievable milestones and micro-goals can alleviate much of that anxiety.

Every academic challenge you face can be overcome if you break it down. Read a little every day. Take notes. Start chipping away at larger projects every day instead of postponing working on them. This will give you peace of mind and make you less anxious about your academic performance. For example, if you dread the next writing assignment, you can start practicing writing skills in advance. Take ten minutes every day to journal.

College Stress: Embrace Daily Meditation

Stress in college students can be eased in surprising ways. While meditation may seem like a funny solution for stress and anxiety at first, it’s helpful for college students. Meditating for 10-15 minutes daily can help you control your breathing, lower your heart rate, and gain much-needed introspection and self-awareness. Here are some of the apps you should try out:

● Headspace

● The Mindfulness App

● Insight Timer

● Smiling Mind

All you need to start meditating is a smartphone and a few minutes of your time. You’d be surprised how calmer and more focused you’ll become after only a few short days of daily meditation – give it a shot!

College Stress: Seek Academic Help

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by papers, projects, and assignments, remember that you’re not alone in this. Your classmates are facing the same challenges you are, and you can organize group study sessions to make ends meet.

Group sessions can help you write your papers, finish essential assignments on time, or simply get to know more people on campus. You can also use GrabMyEssay when you need to submit an essay or a paper on a short schedule and are too busy to do everything at once. There are ways for others to help you with academic assignments – all you have to do is look for such opportunities.

College Stress: Pick Up a Hobby or Activity

Luckily, there are plenty of amazing things you can do on campus no matter where you study. You can pick up a new sport, join a club, or start a hobby of your own.

Extracurricular activities will help you get your mind off of writing, studying, and working on projects. By tending to both, you’ll learn how to separate work from leisure in your mind and find it much easier to get work done without stressing over it. Journal!

College Stress: Avoid Focus Medication

Focus medication like Adderall or Ritalin may seem like a good idea to “get things done”, but they’re not the solution. They can cause you to lose your appetite and weight, as well as lead to various health complications such as increased blood pressure and heart rate.

Focus medication should be avoided at all costs and only used if you’re diagnosed with ADHD/ADD and require it daily. Instead, you should adopt a steadier sleep cycle and avoid overworking yourself and instead spreading out your workload over several days or weeks ahead of the deadline.

College Stress: Overcome Anxiety

Allow your brain some positive reinforcement. Take a time out to breathe and be. Be sure to get enough rest. You need 8 hours of sleep a night, and sleep deprivation can affect your mood. Rest nourishes your brain. Don’t forget to exercise. Sitting at your desk or in bed all day can also affect your mood, and your weight. Get up and move around. You can also calm down with affirmations and positive self talk. We Your writing skills will improve considerably while in college if you write for fun as well as assignments, and you’ll meet plenty of new friends and colleagues whom you can network with.

Overcoming anxiety is all about looking for the positives, tuning out the negatives, and doing the best you possibly can. It’s okay to step away and take a break when going gets tough. College is a small part of your life, and you need to maintain your wellness for your whole life.

Joanne Elliot is a professional copywriter, content manager, and social media specialist. Her academic experience has enabled her to write papers, essays, and articles on trending education and personal development topics. Joanne spends her free time journaling, cycling, and spending time with her friends and family.

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